+41 117 214 1969

Our services

Our mission is to improve fire protection in buildings open to the public. Our smoke extraction ducts will evacuate smoke from buildings, enabling people to be quickly evacuated. Our fire-resistant ducts will delay the spread of fire, protect your ventilation and heating systems and cables, and give emergency services more time to intervene. And last but not least, our channels provide optimum protection for our gas pipes, ducts and other equipment.

Smoke evacuation ducts and fire rated ventilation ducts are a crucial part of the smoke and heat evacuation system design. The materials used in the construction of smoke shafts should have test data to prove that it is suitable and fit for purpose. 

In the UK and Ireland, smoke evacuation ducts are often referred to as smoke evacuation ‘shafts’ in common language. These refer to 4-sided ‘ducts’ that are able to guarantee the required classification in order to guarantee fire safety. 

The relevant test and classification standards are: 

Fire rated ventilation ducts 
 Test: EN 1366-1 
 Classification: EN 13501-3  EI 60 - 120 ve ho i ↔ o S (± 500Pa) 

Smoke evacuation ducts 
Test: EN 1366-8 
Classification: EN 13501-4 EI 60 - 120 S ve ho - 1500 / + 500 Pa Multi  

You can access the VENTILATION AND SMOKE EXTRACTIONS DUCTS catalog by clicking the button below:

📥 Download the horizontal system catalog

📥 Download the vertical system catalog

Ventilation and smoke extraction ducts

The Geotec® S fire rated boards are used to make fire rated smoke evacuation and ventilation ducts. The Geotec® S boards is a versatile board with 60 minutes (30mm) or for 120 minutes (S 45mm) fire resistance. They can be customized or used in standard dimensions, offering flexibility depending on the project requirements. All installations should follow the provided technical guidelines.

These solutions are suitable for use in Pressure Differential Systems (PDS – EN 12101-6 and EN 12101-13) and Smoke & Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVs), where they help ensure a safe, smoke-free evacuation route during a fire. Ventilation and smoke evacuation ducts can be installed both horizontally as vertically, with maximum dimensions of up to 2500x2000mm for a single duct. To achieve an EIS classification, a four-sided solution is required. Compliance with the technical manual is essential for all installations.

In the UK, the FIS, CSA, and BG documents are essential references that ensure compliance with fire safety standards and material regulations. They certify the quality and reliability of our solutions. Download them here to learn more about their requirements and impact on your projects. 
ventilation ducts
smoke extraction ducts
smoke extraction ducts

You can access the FIRE-RATED PROTECTION OF SERVICES AND SHAFTS catalog by clicking the button below:

📥 Download the fire-rated protection of services and shafts catalog

Fire-rated protection of services and shafts

Fire rated protection of services and shafts 
• Test; EN 1366-5 
• Classification : EN 13501-2 • EI 60 - 120 ve ho i ↔ o.

1. Fire-rated protection of services and shafts with GEOFLAM C-LIGHT Pre-fabricated Gutters
The GEOFLAM C-LIGHT pre-fabricated gutters, while limited in dimension, guarantee a 2-hour fire rating with a minimal thickness of 35 mm. This solution is ideal for spaces with limited dimensions, offering a fire resistance of EI120 (i↔o). The 3-sided gutter is easily closed by its cover, ensuring versatility and quick installation. All installations must comply with the technical manual.
Geotec S board
2. Fire-resistant protection for services and shafts with GEOTEC S boards
GEOTEC S fire-resistant boards are designed to provide effective fire protection for services installed both horizontally and vertically. For horizontal installations, fire protection can be applied to 2, 3, or 4 sides, while vertical installations can also be protected on one side. These boards can be used to compartmentalize various services such as ducts, cables, cable trays, piping, and medical gas systems.

The Geotec® S boards allow for protection of services upto 2500x2000mm. 

The Geotec® S boards and Geoflam® C-Light solutions are fully recyclable and are made with care for minimal impact on the environment.  

You can access the FIRE PROTECTION FOR CARBON FIBER REINFORCEMENTS catalog by clicking the button below:

📥 Download the fire-rated protection of services and shafts catalog

Fire Protection for carbon fiber reinforcements

Geotec S fire-rated boards are specifically designed to protect carbon fiber-reinforced concrete structures, ensuring their fire stability. The selection of the appropriate board type is based on the required fire resistance and the characteristics of the carbon-glue used.  
Fire Protection for carbon fiber reinforcements
These versatile boards are available in both 30mm and 45mm thicknesses and can be applied to horizontal (flat) concrete surfaces as well as to concrete beams. Geotec S boards can be customized or used in standard formats, offering flexibility for various applications. All installations must comply with the guidelines outlined in the technical manual.